Monday, April 13, 2020

The Ritz

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company takes the leading position in the world hotel industry, and it is the most successful competitor within the market. The progress of the company depends on following the definite strategy and principles developed to satisfy the needs of customers and to respond to the employees’ expectations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, the accents are made on the orientation toward customers and their individual and specific needs, on providing the service of the highest quality, on the successful human resources management, and on the effective leadership. In their Application Summary of 1999, the company stated the basic principles according to which the development strategies are worked out. Thus, there are Ritz-Carlton Gold Standards which include the company’s credo, motto, three steps of service, and  "Ritz-Carlton Basics† in which the standards of service are provided in detail (Application Summary, 1999). The strict dependence on these standards makes the company be one of the most successful hotels in the world which characteristic feature is the excellent quality of service. According to the standards, the employees should create the positive atmosphere which is comfortable for guests and fulfill all the customers’ wishes (Application Summary, 1999). Professionalism as the basic characteristic of the staff is reflected in the company’s motto which is â€Å"We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen† (Application Summary, 1999). The employees’ professionalism should be felt in each action that is why much attention is paid to the etiquette, staff’s responsibility, positive communication, and expressing respect and dignity. Moreover, it is accentuated in the case study on the company’s development that the company ha s the low employee turnover rate, and the good reputation depends on â€Å"a comprehensive employee screening process, significant employee orientation and ongoing training, and a high level of respect and trust in staff that leads to employee empowerment† (The Ritz-Carlton mystique, 2008). It is important to note that the company’s annual turnover rate is lower than 20%, and these numbers can be discussed as minor for the hotel industry round the world (Sucher McManus, 2005). Thus, the mentioned basics guarantee the company’s ongoing success within the market.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The quality of service is based on the training programs provided for employees. Sucher and McManus state that the recruitment process in the company is the developed strategy during which HR managers examine the candidates’ abilities and provide the necessa ry training to perform the functions successfully (Sucher McManus, 2005). The process of recruitment is known in the company as the Quality Selection Process. This process â€Å"includes a series of interviews that help to establish a behavioral profile† (The Ritz-Carlton mystique, 2008). The process is important in order to choose the persons who fit the position better. The next stage of the recruitment process is the orientation of the employees to the company’s standards and values. All the employees should receive the training certificate after completing the training program. To provide the excellent service, it is necessary to realize the annual training certification (Application Summary, 1999). Furthermore, it is necessary not only to concentrate on the customers’ needs but also motivate employees to perform better. The managers organize the work of employees with references to the employees’ rights, reward and recognition, and performance appra isal strategies. Moreover, the possibilities for the career progression are accentuated in the company. One of the most effective methods to stimulate and motivate the employees is the emphasis on the fact that â€Å"employees are also empowered to solve problems and make decisions that will result in extraordinary customer service† (The Ritz-Carlton mystique, 2008). The employees are expected to provide the service of the highest level, and the assessment is realized according to the customers’ focused results. The important aspects are the individual customer’s satisfaction and constructive feedback (Application Summary, 1999). Furthermore, the leaders pay much attention to the organization of the human resources management as the significant aspect in providing the qualitative service. However, the Ritz-Carlton Hotels’ reputation depends not only on the quality of the service but also on the effective leadership. Any strategies which are developed and implemented in the company are worked out according to the definite outline. Thus, the first stage is the development of the approach plan in which the goals and operations are stated. The next stage can be discussed as the deployment â€Å"do† during which the certain strategy is realized according to the fixed points. The leaders and managers focus on the stage when it is possible to check the effectiveness of the results and make conclusions about the further realization of the similar plans. To guarantee the highest results during the realization of the next section or plan, it is important to pay much attention to the improvement actions (Application Summary, 1999).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The success and reputation of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company significantly depends on the developed standards of service quality, on the highl y-trained personnel, on the effective work of the human resources managers, on the orientation both to the customers and employees, and on the effective leadership strategies. References Application Summary: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. (1999). Web. Sucher, S. J., McManus, S. E. (2005). The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. Web. The Ritz-Carlton mystique: Professionalism, high expectations. (2008). Web. This essay on The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company was written and submitted by user Nadia C. to help you with your own studies. 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